Sponsorlu Bağlantılar

Company registration Turkey

FMC Group

The Republic of Turkey is one of the forces whose government is extremely loyal to foreign investment in the economy. EOR Turkey is an important issue in this regard. The country’s business policy is designed to attract experienced and novice business people from abroad. The government has created optimal conditions for business development, where each investor can not only try to present new business ideas, but also develop their existing business.

In the second part of the Labor Law No. 4857, the types, definitions and conditions of employment contracts are explained. The employment contract is not subject to a specific form. Contact us for company registration Turkey details.

Berkan Yıldırım

1992 doğumlu. Eskişehir Üniversitesi Radyo Televizyon ve Sinema bölümü 3. sınıf öğrencisi. 2 yıldır çeşitli dergilerde editörlük görevi yapmaktadır. En büyük hayali ulusal bir gazetede editörlük görevine devam etmek.

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